“Outlier” is a term used in statistics to explain data that lie outside normal parameters. In his book Gladwell studied people who are outliers i.e., highly successful individuals which he grouped into categories such as professional hockey players, successful professionals and billionaires. One of the key findings of Gladwell is that individual success is not an anomaly- it can be explained by those people and the culture surrounding the individual. For example, his group of successful, corporate lawyers all attended schools in the same geographic region and had parents involved in the same industry. Gladwell’s book also revealed that success often happen because of the things the individual has no control over, such as time of birth and family history but he also added that several people still pulled ahead of others due to their natural talent and a lot of hard work they put into their craft. Even if you are not an outlier as a result of where you were born or your family history, you can still decide to become one. The choice is yours. I recently shared on two social media platforms i.e., Facebook and Twitter; that “if you are a child of God, you are an outlier because the Spirit of the Almighty God is living inside of you. Therefore, intentionally live a life that is so extraordinarily outside of the norm.”
“We have a leverage through the Holy Spirit.” Babateye Akinyede