About a year ago while traveling to Canada, an event occurred that still makes me to cringe whenever I remember. Because I wanted to reduce the cost of my trip, I didn’t purchase a direct flight ticket from South Africa. I travelled through two countries. When I arrived in the US, it was mandatory for me to collect my checked luggage and recheck later due to my 10 hours overlay at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.
I didn’t find my checked luggage early but when I finally did, I pushed them in a trolley to the escalator. Few seconds later I saw all my luggage tumbling down. But thank God no one was in front of me. The lady behind me stared at me in a bad way. Absolutely, I deserved the look. But what made me used the escalator instead of the lift.
Why was I foolish on that day? Was it because of fatigue, delay or stress? I will never know. One thing I learnt from the incident is that any of us can be foolish if we are not vigilant. Remember how the man after God’s own heart, David, foolishly slid into adultery.
Sexual immorality along with pride are two of the most foolish and seductive sins a lot of men yield to.
Someone wrote, “sexual desire says, ‘I need it.’ “Pride says, ‘I deserve it,’ In combination their appeal is deadly. Pride appeals to the empty head, sexual enticement to the empty heart.”
However, believers that think they don’t have any sin may even be foolish. Didn’t Paul call the Galatians foolish because they insisted on keeping the Jewish laws rather than growing by faith in Christ alone? If we discover we have been foolish, we should quickly repent and be on our guard against foolishness.
“So beware if you think it could never happen to you, lest your pride becomes your downfall.” ~ Scripture