Like many people, I like investing and making money. But as a Christian how can you ensure you don’t become enslaved by the desire for wealth? How can you prevent the desire for money from filling your life? Because if that happens, you are on a dangerous ground. Our Lord once explained how the lure of wealth and desire for other things can make someone unfruitful.
Apostle Paul, also warned that craving for greater riches that can lead to an endless cycle that only ends in ruin and destruction. Back to my question, how can you love making money and not love the money itself?
Let me share with you seven helpful tips I have adapted from my study Bible:
- Realize that one day riches will all be gone
- Be content with what you have
- Monitor what you are willing to do to get more money
- Love people more than money
- Love God’s work more than money
- Freely share what you have with others
- Don’t get involved with burdensome mortgages; budgets, investments, or debts that that can affect your relationship and service to God rather keep your earthly responsibilities or business modest and manageable.
“How could you worship two gods at the same time? You will have to hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t worship the true God while enslaved to the god of money.” Matthew 6:24 (TPT)