You can bathe a pig, sprinkle Chanel No. 5 on it, adorn it with a ribbon, and bring it into your living room. However, once you set it free, it will instinctively dive into the nearest mud puddle because its inherent nature remains unchanged. It remains a pig.
Similarly, we often strive to improve ourselves. Bookstores are stocked with self-help literature promising the key to personal transformation. Yet, these endeavors offer only temporary solutions at best. What we truly require is a profound inner change—a transformation of the heart.
Remarkably, such a transformation is possible! According to the teachings of the Bible, when we embrace Christ, we experience a spiritual rebirth. God’s spirit dwells within us, bringing about a transformative process. Our motives, objectives, dispositions, and even our eternal destiny are altered.
However, this change doesn’t occur instantaneously. The remainder of our lives will be dedicated to understanding the essence of following Christ. Nevertheless, this journey commences now as we open our hearts to Him. Are you allowing your life to be “transformed…from glory to glory”?
Adapted from Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham