Tatjana Schoenmaker is the most popular South African right now after she won gold medal and set the world record in the 200- metre breaststroke at the 2020 Olympics few days ago. No doubt, Tatyana couldn’t have won or even compete in Olympics without sacrifice and dedication but taking delight in the Lord also has a role to play in her success and unbelievable performance. Tatjana who referred to herself on her Twitter profile first as ‘Child of God’, tweeted on the 23rd of July, “…Father God may your will be done, may your peace fill us up, may we praise you no matter what the outcome, may we be empowered by your strength to give it our all and may we forever be in the awe of your goodness.” On the 17th of June, she also tweeted “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken – Psalm 16.8.” From these tweets we can see a woman that has learned to take delight in the Lord and to commit everything she has and does to Him. This month, you too should determine to be the best and more importantly entrust everything – your life, family, job, possessions – to Christ control and guidance. May God help us to trust the Lord and believe that He can care for us better than we can ourselves.
Do have a fantastic month ahead.