On his deathbed, an elderly man, revered for his strong faith, beckoned his grandson to his side. Uttering the boy’s name, he spoke with a feeble yet determined voice, “I may not know the nature of my work in the realms above, but should it be permissible, I shall beseech the Lord Jesus to grant me the honor of aiding in the construction of your celestial dwelling. Therefore, my dear child, ensure that you send forth an abundance of the finest materials.”
Living a life adorned with purity and boundless love, and guiding others towards a relationship with Christ as we fervently share our faith, engaging in benevolent acts in the name of the Lord—these are the very materials that may be sent on ahead. They remain impervious to the uncertainties of earthly economics, the ravages of natural calamities, and the clutches of theft. So, I implore you, what kind of materials are you presently dispatching to Heaven?