C.S. Lewis wrote in his book, Mere Christianity “It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of other world that they have become so ineffective in this.” Profound. Spend few seconds to reflect on what Lewis wrote. This is what I got from it. If we want to be really effective as Christians, we have got to shift our focus to Christ and His Kingdom. This will enable us to value self-control, a spirit of generosity and humble service; qualities necessary for making impact wherever we may be. Before delving deeper into the meaning of heavenly-mindedness, it is good to have a better understanding and meaning of ‘heaven’. This is the best explanation of heaven I have read in recent time. “Heaven is not the pink –cloud-and-harp existence popular in cartoons. Heaven is where God dwells. It operates according to God’s principles and values, and it is eternal and unshakable. The Kingdom of heaven came to earth in the Jewish sanctuary (the Temple and Tabernacle) where God’s presence dwelt. It came in a fuller way in the person of Jesus Christ, ‘God with us.’ It permeated the entire world as the Holy Spirit came to dwell in the heart of every believer. Some day, after God judges and destroys all sin, the Kingdom of heaven will rule every corner of the earth.” While we wait for the Kingdom of heaven to permeate the whole earth, the thoughts of where Christ dwells should occupy our minds while at the same time, making a difference for our God in the world.
“We must be so heavenly minded that we are compelled to be of earthly good.” Marilynn Dawson